Battling Bed Bugs

Dust mites are almost impossible to eradicate. While you can’t get rid of dust completely, there are several things you can do to keep it out of the more irritating areas in your Pottstown, Pennsylvania, home. Combine allergen-proof bedding with smart HVAC care for a dust-free bedroom.

Cover Your Bedding

Keep your pillows, mattress, and box spring in allergen-proof covers. Those that zip shut offer the best protection. This tactic even works with older mattresses. Though you may have dust mites hiding in the fabric already, the cover will seal them inside where they can’t bother you anymore.

Clean the Ceiling Fans

Your ceiling fan is a great tool for cooling your bedroom, but it will gather a thick layer of dust if it’s not cared for properly. Dust your fan every few weeks to prevent buildup. Spray dusting spray inside an old pillowcase and carefully place it over the fan blades, one at a time. Pull the dust off the blade as you remove the pillowcase for a clean fan that won’t spread dust in your bedroom.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system circulates air continuously throughout the home. Make sure it’s equipped to keep that air clean. Change your air filter at least every three months so it can stop dust efficiently. Schedule annual air conditioner and heater tuneups as well. Your technician can get to the interior parts and small tricky areas where dust will hide.

If you suffer from asthma or allergies, excess dust is an uncomfortable problem. Install a whole-home air purifier as an added layer of protection in your HVAC system. This will help filter any dust mites that make it past your standard air filter.

If you’re overdue for regular HVAC care, call New Age Air at 610-298-0271 to schedule your next tuneup. Our experienced technicians can also help you explore indoor air quality solutions that will enhance your air conditioner and provide cleaner air for your home.

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