How and Why You Should Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

How and Why You Should Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency suggests checking the furnace in your Pennsylvania home before cold weather arrives. Here’s what it takes to have your furnace ready for the winter. Make Sure Your Thermostat is Working Correctly Your thermostat and...
How and Why You Should Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

6 Simple Steps You Can Take to Improve Your Home’s IAQ

In Pottstown, PA and around the country we spend a lot of time indoors, but the air we breathe isn’t always the cleanest. In fact, the EPA reports that indoor air can have pollutant levels 2 – 5 times higher than outdoor air. These pollutants can come from...
How and Why You Should Prepare Your Furnace for Winter

Energy Efficiency and Conservation: How do they Impact Your Home?

Many Pennsylvania homeowners are going to be minding their energy bills this summer and trying to save energy. There’s a smart way to save energy while minimizing service or comfort. That’s the basis of engaging energy conservation and energy efficiency in...