End of Season A/C Maintenance Plus Time to Think About Heater Tune-up

Did You Know You Can Void Your HVAC Warranty?

When you buy a new HVAC system, warranty agreements are often part of the purchase as well. In theory, if something goes wrong and needs to be repaired or replaced, the warranty is supposed to cover it. However, some Collegeville homeowners don’t scrutinize the...
End of Season A/C Maintenance Plus Time to Think About Heater Tune-up

Energy Efficiency and Conservation: How do they Impact Your Home?

Many Pennsylvania homeowners are going to be minding their energy bills this summer and trying to save energy. There’s a smart way to save energy while minimizing service or comfort. That’s the basis of engaging energy conservation and energy efficiency in...
End of Season A/C Maintenance Plus Time to Think About Heater Tune-up

What’s Causing the Evaporator Coil in Your AC to Leak?

Finding out you have a leaking evaporator coil in your Collegeville home’s air conditioning system is never good news. It helps to learn the causes of evaporator coil leaks so you can diagnose the problem and avoid this unfortunate situation in the future. Under...