What is Geothermal Heating?

For many decades now, geothermal heating has been used in homes and offices in the U.S and around the world. These systems are designed to work in harmony with nature, heating and cooling any commercial building or home without emitting greenhouse gases or burning any fuel. As the leading provider of heat pump maintenance in Phoenixville, we’ve created this piece to explain how geothermal heating works and outline some of the benefits that it provides.

Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

Geothermal cooling and heating are also referred to as geo-exchange, ground source heating and cooling, or geothermal. These are all just different ways of describing the same service, so there’s no need to be confused when these names are interchanged. Geothermal heating is a term given to describe a heating process that utilizes the Earth’s crust, 12 to 400 feet beneath a building, to heat and cool the premises.

Winter Operation

Underground pipes known as ground loops are used to circulate water, which can absorb the earth’s heat and carry it to an indoor heat pump. The heat pump then extracts all heat from the liquid, distributing it through the building as warm air. Once the heat is removed, the water is recirculated, collecting more heat from the ground. In these cases, the loop water is warmer as it recirculates into the heat pump than when it loops back into the earth as the heat has been removed.

Summer Operation

During the summertime, your indoor heat pump takes the hot air away from your home, removing heat during this process. Cool air is left behind, which is distributed via vents in the form of air conditioning. The heat that is removed from the air is re-injected into the earth via the ground loop. In these instances, the water is warmer as it leaves the home compared to when it returns, since heat has been re-injected back into it.

Sizing a Geothermal Heat Pump

The size of a geothermal heat pump varies in accordance with the size of a commercial building or home. There are several factors used to determine what size of pump is required. Sizing these devices is a complex process and is best completed by qualified geothermal heat pump contractors or engineers. They begin by undertaking an energy analysis or audit, which helps to determine the heating and cooling demands of a building. The size of the system dictates the size of the loop field required. By working with an experienced contractor, the system will be accurately designed for longevity and low operating costs.

For additional information, or to schedule Heat pump maintenance in Norristown, contact a member of the New Age Air team today.

How to Stay Warm and Save Money on Your Heating Bill This Winter

Now is a terrific time of year — nature’s colors change, the weather cools down, and the holiday season begins. But it’s also a precursor to the cold winter weather, a time when energy costs are sure to rise unless you can take steps to reduce your heating bills. The good news is, you can! We’ve written this piece to share some tips to help you keep warm and save cash this winter. Let’s take a look:

Lower Your Thermostat Setting

You can save roughly 3% on your heating bill with every degree you lower your thermostat by over 24 hours. During the winter months, a reasonable temperature is 68 degrees throughout the daytime and 55 degrees at night.

If you lower the thermostat to 55 degrees while you sleep, you can save almost 13% on your heating bills. Throughout the rest of the day, wear warm clothing such as long pants, thick socks, and chunky sweaters to keep you toasty. Additionally, programmable thermostats are another great way to regulate temperature and save cash.

Clear Radiators and Vents

Make sure that furniture or rugs block none of your vents, and there are no objects in front of your radiator or furnace. This allows the air to flow freely and give you the full benefits of the warm atmosphere provided by your heating system; it’s also much safer.

Check Your Windows

Roughly 10-25% of the heat loss from your home can be attributed to your windows. To reduce the amount that escapes, open shades and curtains on all south-facing windows during the daytime. This allows the sun’s heat to enter your home and warm the inside of your rooms.

Close all blinds and curtains at night when the sun goes down. This will help to keep your house insulated, trapping heat inside. Another trick is to place blankets over uncovered drapes and windows, especially when it’s nighttime and temperatures drop to their lowest.

Invest in a Tune-Up

Keep your furnace, HVAC, or heat pumping running at optimum efficiency by having it professionally inspected and tuned once a year. This is a relatively small investment that could lead to massive savings.

To schedule furnace repairs in Oley, gas furnace installation in Norristown, or speak with a member of the New Age Team, contact us today.

Check Out Our Holiday Special

As the leading provider of heater replacement in Fleetwood and nearby regions, we like to make sure our customers are warm and cozy throughout the colder months. That’s why this holiday season, we’ve got the ultimate special offer on two of our most popular HVAC systems. Up until December 15th, 2019, we’re offering discounts of up to $1,250 on new Mitsubishi Diamond systems and up to $2,250 off new Perfect Comfort systems.

Both of these systems are among the best rated in the industry and will help to keep you and your family toasty all through the upcoming holiday season and winter. Additionally, when summer arrives, they’ll work hard to keep your home fresh and cool.

Here are some additional tips to stay warm this holiday season:

Fill Any Gaps

After investing in a new heating system, the last thing you want to lose is heat. Warm air can seep through recessed light fittings, power sockets, and poorly sealed window frames. Plug the gaps with foam strips, caulk, or expanding foam to seal your home and stay comfortable this winter.

Set Your Thermostat

Many people fail to realize that thermostats self-regulate and keep our homes at a constant temperature. If you have thermostats in individual rooms, set their temperatures, and then leave them to do their job. This is an efficient way to use energy and maintain the temperatures that suit the needs of you and your family.


If your house is well constructed, the floors, walls, roof, and ceilings will most likely contain insulation material. Builders often use expanded polystyrene (EPS) or fiberglass to insulate our homes. However, there are many other types of insulating materials available. You can add extra insulation to your home by layering mineral wool up in your attic. Thick curtain materials will also add extra insulation to your windows. You can also add transparent polythene film to your windows, which will act as a less expensive alternative to double glazing.

Lower the Temperature on Your Water Heater

Water consumes a lot of energy as it heats up. That said, it also takes a long time to cool down again, so it’s an effective medium of energy storage. To save money on energy and still keep nice and warm this winter, turn your water heater down a little. The majority of water heaters have a factory setting of 140°F (60°C) by default. Reducing this by 10°F (5.5°C) can potentially save up to 5% on water-heating costs.

To find out more about our fantastic holiday specials or for heater repairs in Collegeville and the surrounding areas, contact a member of our team today.

5 Common AC Noises and Their Causes

5 Common AC Noises and Their Causes

Our AC systems are designed to keep us cool and comfortable all summer long; however, they’re not designed to make disturbing noises. In fact, any unusual sounds coming from your AC unit could be signs of a problem or fault. As the leading provider of emergency air conditioning repair in Norristown and the surrounding areas, we’ve listed the five most common AC noises and their potential causes below.

Screaming or Hissing
If you hear a hissing or screaming sound coming from your AC unit, we recommend that you shut it down for safety purposes. Screaming often indicates a severe problem with the AC refrigerant or compressor. If you allow the unit to continue running, it could suffer a potentially severe breakdown. Once the machine has been safely switched off, contact a professional as soon as possible.

Loud Buzzing or Humming
Loose components cause extra vibrations that build up and create a loud racket of buzzing or humming. These vibrations may start from the refrigerant line or electrical wiring. However, they may also be an indication of loose screws. Either way, a professional inspection is recommended if these noises persist.

Rattling or Clicking
Rattling and clicking when a machine starts up is normal and not necessarily indicative of a problem. Loud clicking is abnormal, especially if the AC unit starts to make these sounds out of the blue. You can try cleaning out any debris from your outdoor unit if this is possible. However, if you can’t identify the problem, call a technician to avoid costly damage.

Gurgling or Dripping
Liquid related sounds coming from an AC unit are likely related to the refrigerant lines. Refrigerant and condensation problems can be severe. Sometimes, drain lines and pans are knocked out of place, and fluids can back up. This could lead to freezing, corrosion, or other damage. Call a technician if your AC unit is making any water-related noises.

It’s normal for some equipment to make light banging sounds during AC startup processes. However, if the AC unit makes banging sounds while running continuously, some parts may need tightening or replacing. The blower, fan, compressor, or equipment housing could be off-kilter and may be damaged.

If your AC unit persists with making any of the noises mentioned above, or to schedule emergency heating repair in Boyertown, contact us today.

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